Home School Liaison Programme Information
We have a Home School Community Liaison Coordinator in our school. Leontia Sheridan is our current HSCL Coordinator and looks forward to meeting you. The aim of HSCL is to help build upon the link that exists between home and school in a number of ways. We aim to create a supportive environment for parents and families. Leontia is always available in the school if you would like to speak about any aspect of school or home life. Home Visits are also a vital part of the role.
Parent Courses are offered throughout the year, including Maths for parents, English Conversational classes flower arranging classes, coffee mornings for new parents to the school, and we generally have a great variety on offer – watch out for courses available throughout the year through St Michael’s HSCL Coordiantor facebook page, ClassDojo & texts.
If you feel Leontia can be of any help or support to you please do not hesitate to contact her by calling into our Parents Room at any stage – the kettle is always on! Or by calling 087 3522376 or by email; [email protected]
In Home School:
Partnership is the key concept
Supporting Parents is the key task
Goals of the HSCL Programme:
- To maximise active participation of the children in the school in the learning process.
- To promote active co-operation between home, school and relevant community agencies in promoting the educational interests of the children.